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Solidarity is an awareness of shared interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies creating a psychological sense of unity of groups or classes. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people together as one and the concept is also one of six principles of The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Solidarity as attitude to life. In the organising world, Europe is living in social market economies, the main economic model used in Western and Northern Europe. The social market economy seeks a middle path between socialism and capitalism (i.e. a mixed economy) and aims at maintaining a balance between a high rate of economic growth, low inflation, low levels of unemployment, good working conditions, social welfare, and public services, by using state intervention. Basically respecting the free market, the social market economy is opposed to both a planned economy and laissez-faire capitalism. Globalisation is an opportunity for economic and social progress and yet many citizens across the European Union apprehend it and tear its negative social impact. Solidarity and social rights are indivisible values on which the European Union is founded. Creating necessary conditions for citizens to make the most of the opportunities offered by globalisation, is therefore committed by policy makers and the Union. |
solidarity in contemporary times |
From an expression expressing brotherhood between human beings, "solidarity" has become the key to the survival of the species!
Brussels, August 1, 2022, Paul N. Goldschmidt What a magic word! It immediately arouses a warm feeling of belonging, benevolence, good conscience, commitment by encouraging the surpassing of oneself and implies a will to act towards a shared objective that transcends individual interests. A distinction must be made between its idealized form, which belongs more to the philosophical or religious spheres, and its pragmatic form, which concerns its implementation. To deserve the label of "solidarity", an action must be independent of - but not necessarily contrary to - the interests of those who support it. It is obvious that a conjunction between solidarity and interests - as in Ukraine - makes the action more appealing; it is in the identification and promotion of this conjunction that the exemplarity of the leaders, called upon to support such actions, lies. |
Thus, a Ukrainian defeat would threaten the very survival of the EU's democratic regimes and the civilizational values that have been painstakingly built up over the centuries within its Members. Their preservation is immeasurably more valuable than the sacrifices demanded of the population in terms of purchasing power, (temporary) restrictions and other inconveniences that may go even as far as requiring direct military intervention, justifying thereby unreservedly the solidarity effort required.
The call for solidarity must be handled with great caution, especially when it seems to contradict proven short-term interests; transparency of the possible harmful short term consequences is essential to obtain the assent of public opinion. Properly informed, the public will be much more inclined to give their support - out of solidarity - than to oppose it. There is, however, a major obstacle to overcome in order to restore the credibility of the public authority's narrative after years of neglect and confusion. This situation is skillfully exploited by the opposition: it conceals the tragic consequences of a denial of solidarity, presented under the guise of a policy of defense of the citizen's immediate vital interests. This is notably the position of political parties such as the RN or LFI in France, the Ligua or Forza Italia in Italy, which criticize the sanctions against Russia and advocate their removal. In so doing they contribute significantly to weakening the EU and allow Putin to reach his primary objective. The latest reports suspecting Russian complicity in the downfall of President Draghi are chilling and should be a wake-up call. Indeed, as far as Ukraine is concerned, the interests of each Member State, implied by their adhesion to the treaty, coincide by construction with those of the EU; if this were not/no longer the case, the Member in question should avail itself of Article 50 of the treaty to leave the EU. On the other hand, their continued membership is a recognition that no particular "national" interest can justify a lack of solidarity both among its Members and with Ukraine. The unfortunate abuse of finicky legal arguments under the Treaty, such as the unanimity rule for voting on sanctions, only weakens the Union's position in the geopolitical arena, increases its strategic vulnerability and renders the very concept of solidarity meaningless. The ramifications of the war in Ukraine have demonstrated its global effects, be they economic, financial, military, social or, more fundamentally, political and geostrategic: major powers have now clearly stated as their priority, the establishment of a new world order based on their own authoritarian models. However, it should be manifest that any attempt to impose a new world order can only be based on the concept of "solidarity" in its most universalist sense. |
Every human being should subscribe to this self-interested imperative, if only to ensure the very survival of the planet threatened with total destruction, whether by global warming brought about by unbridled human activity or by the arsenal of nuclear weapons whose use is synonymous with Armageddon. This observation excludes, by construction, the tolerance of a conflict opposing head-on the supporters of the status quo and emerging authoritarian regimes. The main difficulty stems from the incompatibility of the value systems of the two sides, which reinforces the risk of total mutual destruction in the event of war. The game of (nuclear) chicken, currently being played out, risks to run out of control at any moment with irretrievable consequences. Another fundamental obstacle derives from the unprecedented technical progress in communications (both real and fake) that has spread awareness across the globe of the profound inequalities between and within populations; while they have always existed, their worldwide visibility now makes them unbearable. The survival of the planet therefore urgently requires the establishment of a "SOLIDARITY" world order to which all are called to contribute. At the top of the agenda must be the definitive and controlled elimination of nuclear arsenals and an acceptable distribution of efforts to limit global warming. Without this precondition, we will be leaving our heirs a globe with a burning fuse that could explode at any moment. The necessary readjustment of the world order implies inescapable sacrifices, especially for the developed countries, which will have to accept a smaller share of global resources, not to eliminate the inequalities that are inherent in human nature, but to ensure greater social justice and the preservation of the human species. In reality, these adjustments should be largely offset and cushioned by the continuous evolution of knowledge as well as the pursuit of innovation and development of skills. While the older generation which holds power and owns wealth today may be scared by this announced upheaval, numerous signs show that its younger upcoming successors are both better prepared if not eager to meet the challenge. We should not be allowed to deprive them from the opportunity to try through our lack of "solidarity". But it is not primarily through a transfer of wealth that a new harmonious relationship can be gradually established between people. It should be recognized that the Western value system has consistently demonstrated for the past 500 years its unique capacity - compared with any other system - despite its profound failings and injustices, to provide for man's material needs and in particular to adapt to the demographic explosion of the species. In order to give ourselves the best possible means to meet the colossal challenge that lies ahead, it appears logical as well as sound to build on this system as the basis to carry out the profound unavoidable transformation of society. Only then can the specter of the disappearance of the human race be averted. |
Solidarity is often - even within the EU - coupled with conditionality. The conditional-of serves two, partly conflicting goals:
1. to make sure that the auxiliary is used as effectively as possible, and The Maastricht Treaty provided for EMU solidarity mechanisms (the Fund) of coordination requirements (no excessive deficits) and a no bail-out clause to strengthen fiscal discipline. As is well known that discipline proved ineffective. That was partly undermined by financial markets for years hardly differed between the bonds of eurozone countries. This "piggybacking" of countries with high debt ratio would have a form of implicit call to solidarity - with the long term adverse effects. After the outbreak of the crisis, the EU Member States and the Eurozone with the new emergency funds, not previously provided mechanisms for inter-state solidarity should create. They were thereby driven by enlightened self-interest: the prevention of further spread of the debt crisis. But the authors find that not a good diagnosis of the crisis was made because some system causes about being overlooked. The first stems from the fact that the EMU debt issued in a currency which it does not have full control (a point which Paul de Grauwe previously noted). That makes a liquidity problem can quickly degenerate into a solvency problem. Fernandes and Rubio advocate the following forms of solidarity. In the short term is important because of enlightened self interest, the bond markets of EMU countries to stabilize and growth recovery in the peripheral EMU countries. For quick stabilization of the bond are two options: a massive intervention by the ECB (acting as lender of last resort would act) or the introduction of cross-guarantees by the Member States of the euro area in the context of Eurobonds . On balance it seems preferable to theauthors proceed to (a temporary system) Eurobonds. Previously, a group of ELEC (the European League of Economic Cooperation) recently proposed that in this study is not known but on the EBN website can be found. How can growth recovery in the peripheral EMU countries be promoted? Structural reforms are therefore important, but these often take time to bear fruit. In the short term, additional growth impetus. Strong EMU countries would therefore not have to economize now. Furthermore, the access of peripheral countries to the available structural and cohesion funds should be increased (as in the AIV advisory letter to a strengthened financial and economic governance in the EU advocates). In the short term aid - whether in the form of guarantees - badly. Who does not 'transfer union' will, to invest in a better policy coordination in EMU. That is the challenge for the longer term. To increase the resilience of EMU strengthening, do the authors propose a more effective use of structural and cohesion funds for a permanent system of Eurobonds for an EMU-wide insurance for bank deposits and a provision for the EMU is to be in exceptional circumstances to a joint commitment of budgetary resources. Rightly, the study concludes that the European debt crisis, no magic, free solution has. The next time a special use of non-reciprocal solidarity necessary for EMU to bring back into safe waters. But apart from this crisis, the EMU needs to create mechanisms for solidarity - not a transfer union to create, but as mutual guarantee against risks. --- 'Gold standard' for social investment in human capital must assume, based on a substantial expansion of cross-border programs for education and training. An annual investment of 40 to 50 billion (0.3 percent of GDP in the EU) would 4-5000000 cross 'placements' (full-and part-time) per year could bring. This would create a European labor market, with the necessary cross-border mobility can be encouraged. The training programs may all be directed at removing bottlenecks in labor markets. The authors find a strong commitment of the EU justified because of the significant external effects of education and training are linked. A subsidiarity test would such an EU policy eyes higher throw than the current agricultural policy. This interesting proposal of Rossi and Her deserves further elaboration and consideration. |
With the economic and financial crisis having hit European countries in different ways since 2008, the EU is considering how far each country is responsible and what kind of solidarity is needed to overcome this challenge. Europeans have hastily set up solidarity mechanisms that their monetary union was lacking. Questions about legitimacy and the limits of European solidarity are now very much being asked out in the open.
They are all the more crucial as they generate tensions in national public opinions and among European political decision-makers. These tensions are not just about macroeconomic issues but have recently been about
solidarity mechanisms put in place in the “Schengen area” and also relate to the different extents of the other EU interventions, such as in the area of agriculture or energy. Notre Europe, the Paris thinktank, published an interesting and actual study on solidarity within the Eurozone: ' Solidarity within the Eurozone:
how much, what for, for how long?' |