It are not the Peoples Republic of China and the Russian Federation who are champions of freedoms, peace, democracy and justice. That are for the greater part the United States of America and even more Europe.  


Europe is an incredible construction  
"Europe is an incredible construction, much critized. Much too slow, very laborious on occasions but it is also an extraordinary achievement of the immediate aftermath of the second World War where countries had been at each other's throat and millions of people had died at the hands of each other for centuries. And to actually decide that in the name of peace and prosperity they were going to establish that free market zone  where product, service and people can actually move, is something that should not be wasted at all. And it is a resilient construction and a resilient territory which is unfinished and which needs to be completed" (Christine Lagarde, 24 June 2016).


The economic progress of man  
“What an extraordinary episode in the economic progress of man that age was which came to an end in August 1914! The inhabitant of London could order by telephone, sipping his morning tea in bed, the various products of the whole earth, in such quantity as he might see fit, and reasonably expect their early delivery upon his doorstep. But, most important of all, he regarded this state of affairs as normal, certain, and permanent, except in the direction of further improvement, and any deviation from it as aberrant, scandalous, and avoidable. The projects and politics of militarism and imperialism, of racial and cultural rivalries, of monopolies, restrictions, and exclusion, which were to play the serpent to this paradise, were little more than the amusements of his daily newspaper, and appeared to exercise almost no influence at all on the ordinary course of social and economic life, the internationalisation of which was nearly complete in practice.” (John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1919)







has formed in
its future we must
nature of it."






"A new Europe
practice. To secure
understand the
'It is what you and I,
what we, the European people,
make of it tomorrow'


rise of median age of a country or region: ageing of population | allegory of the cave (fictional dialogue on reality) | antifragile: living in a disorderly world and with human failings | art (arranging elements to the sense or emotions of human creations, and modes of expression) | St. Augustine of Hippo | Bildung | blockchain | bubbles | catastrophes and accidents | change | Chariot Allegory | civic engagement | coffeehouses: everyone is welcome to experience cosmopolitan spirit. A place for good conversation | comity | common security and defense policy | community | compassion (the interdepence of all things and embodiment of emotional maturity) | counterculture | culture (give activity significance) | debt (Reinhart) | the form of government democracy | demographic growth (Kapitza) | digital development | economy | education, key to individual life chances | energy | the Enlightenment | environment | ESG | ethics, one of the individual virtues | Europe's 1st war in the 21st century | European capitals of culture Galway and Rijeka | European humanism | Europe media | fall of the wall | food | formal scopes | the ability to act without restraint: freedom | Greece | health (incl Corona Virus Disease) | 21st Century: Homo Humane | Jurgen Habermas, ein deutscher Philosoph und Soziologe, bekannt geworden durch sozialphilosophie | study of the past history | How Much is Enough? (Lord Skidelsky and a concise of the Great Depression) | human rights, free movement, migration, asylum | the unity of being, of total consistency and person equality: identity | ideologies | immaterial trends | development of new customers value: innovation | international organizations (IO's) | (INTERNATIONAL) TRIBUNALS | knowledge | languages | liberalism | liberty and security | literature | masterpieces (paintings and plastic art) | math, a thing to be valued in and for itself | money | music, 'mathematics in motion and algebra is its choreography' | Narrative 4: see the world, and ourselves, more empathically through story exchange | new establishment (the worlds of technology, media, the arts, and entertainment) | φύσις, the course of things, natural character | NEXUS Institute | 'ODE', work of Arthur O'Shaughnessy | paintings and icons | people and communities | study of general and fundamental problems: philosophy | politics | pollution | Radio Free Europe | the Reformation | religion, the adherence to codified beliefs and rituals | RtoP: to prevent and stop genocides, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity | any system of objective knowledge: science | social scopes | social fairness: green and social Europe | solidarity | sports, all forms of physical activity | George Steiner, influential literary critic, essayist, philosopher, novelist, translator, and educator | Sustainable Development Goals | territories | terrorism | the Questor Hero, Mahler’s music wants us to be conscious of the great questions of life | The SOUND of EUROPE, conference on values, identity and cultural dimension | that's why freedom and humanism are there! | The Last Revolution: on Freedom and Power (NEXUS Institute) | what is time | transport | universe | Via Regia, a European cultural route | tolerance | transformations | war | war and peace, what forces control this time? How do we keep our humanity? What are the safeguards for peace? | water | well-being, a general term for the condition of an individual or group

An examination of the human condition absent of any political order became the starting point for most social contract theories, a model that originated during the Age of Enlightenment and usually concerns the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual. Social contract arguments typically posit that individuals have consented to surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the authority (of the ruler, or to the decision of a majority) in exchange for protection of their remaining rights or maintenance of the social order.

The term social contract takes its name from The Social Contract (Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique), a 1762 book by Jean-Jacques Rousseau that discussed this concept. Although the antecedents of social contract theory are found in antiquity, in Greek and Stoic philosophy and Roman and Canon Law, the heyday of the social contract was the mid-17th to early 19th centuries, when it emerged as the leading doctrine of political legitimacy.

autocracy | the Arab Israeli conflict | | democracy | differentiated integration | the EU as polity in IL | EU-institutions, a hybrid system of supranationalism and intergovernmentalism| European politics | IO's | fall of the wall | federal Europe | foreign policy by Europe | ideologies | key institutional innovations (Lisbon Treaty) | multilateral cooperation | multilevel governance (approach in PS an PA theory on European integration) | political union | political philosophies | Populares | Presidency of the Council of the EU | security and defence | core of politics: sovereignty, subsidiarity and powers | The role of the EU in the world | the DC event on issues & ideas | Volt, the only and first pan-European party that pursues joint European politics based on values in stead of interests | wider Europe (including the UK)
Balkans | the three northern European countries east of the Baltic Sea: Baltic states | Danube region | environment | Europe | France | Germany | Greece | GUAM countries | Hungary | Italy, one of the least stable countries in terms of politics in the EU | member states of the EU | Poland | Russian Federation | Türkiye | Belarus | Ukraine | wider Europe (including the UK)
Africa | Arctic regio | from the late 4th cent. BC equipped with philosophical and religious tradition: China | how to change the world? (conference NEXUS Institute) | India | I.R. of Iran | IS | Iraq | Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan | endorsing the idea to resolve the conflict by way of a two-state outcome: the Arab Israeli conflict | nationalism | North Africa and the Middle East (MENA) | security and defence | Syria | transatlantic